Thursday, October 11, 2007

Shiite and Sunni

Sunni Islam: The majority of the Muslim community belongs to the Sunni division of the religion. They follow the Sunnah which means “the way of the prophet,” referring to the religious guidelines of Muhammad, their leader. They follow the most traditional and universal Muslim beliefs.

Shiite Islam: Shiite Islam is the next largest division of the Muslim community. They follow less traditional Muslim values and beliefs and branch off from the mainstream religion. They honor Ali ibn Abi Talib, cousins and descendants of Muhammad, whom they believe should be worshipped instead of Muhammad.


Jackie said...

You need to cite where you are getting your information are the information is not as credible. Without citations, I also can't tell if you are copying and pasting from websites. Make blog posts synthesis in your own words.

Martin R said...

I question why violence occurs between Shiites and Sunnis due to their beliefs, because from my perspective they seem much alike.
Does the Qu'ran tell the islamic people what behaviors and actions are tolerated in the islamic faith to avoid heaven and hell? Like the 10 commandments that Catholics must follow to avoid heaven and hell. In addition the Hinduists actions in life directly effects the form of reincarnation that that person receives. Are these behaviors found in the scriptures that have been passed down through the generations?

Kelly V said...

I agree with Martin. It seems that people who essentially follow the same religion and have the same beliefs should be able to get along. In some ways, it is also really similar to the way differing Christian religions react to one another. Each religion thinks their beliefs are the only ones, and I guess such strong opinions will inevitably cause a rift.

Unknown said...

Those are really interesting points. I have thought about that as well. It is really weird to me that people from different religions cant get along because they believe they are right, when most religions are taught to live in accepting manners. Also when you take a step back, many religions are so similar in beliefs and in practices, the details are the large differences, which i find really interesting as well.

Caroline G said...

Those are all really good points, and I agree it's weird that there is such a huge rift inside a religion. I was thinking that maybe the reason that the Sunnis, Shiite conflict has grown to such a great extent is because it's not just based on religion. Each side has their own traditions and views embedded in their beliefs, and when people disagree with those traditions, that creates conflict. I know that is a very simple way of explaining the conflict, but maybe that's how it got started. I don't know though, it'd be interesting to find out that history.

Shannon said...

It was interesting to hear about these two types of Muslims, as I had not know much about their specifics before. I also question the motives and origins of their violence towards one another, as it seems many of their beliefs overlap. I know it roots back to who they felt should be Muhammad's successor, but it seems like all of that conflict should be in the past, yet it is not.